Monday, January 3, 2011

Entrepreneurs New Years Resolutions

The New Year is here!  Let's start it out one a good note. Divinity put together a list on how you can prepare your business for 2011.  

Get your Tax Documents in Order
Gather documents for tax season preparation.  Be sure to gather all documents, forms, invoices, and receipts from the previous tax season.  Present tax documents to your tax accountant or preparer.  Don’t forget receipts for any charitable donations or business receipts.  They could count towards donations. 

Tie Up Loose Ends
Do you still have projects lingering from 2010?  Set up a To-Do-List and quickly knock those projects off your list.

In order to create better business foundation ask yourself, what can I do to make this year a better year?

Update your Business Plan
Look over and update your business plan. Make sure all graphs, goals, strategies, etc are updated.

Carefully look over your expenses.  Look over areas where you can cut back. Cutting back can save you lots of money at the end of the year.

Step out of your comfort zone.  Choose the best marketing techniques for reaching your target audience.  Please do your research and know how to reach your audience.  Make marketing a priority this year.  Remember network with everyone you know.  Word-of-mouth marketing is very powerful.

PLAN. PLAN. PLAN.  Careful planning and strategy is the key to a successful year and a bigger bottom line.

1 comment:

  1. i think these are some very helpful things people should take into concideration i know i will keep it up and good luck to this awsome person who created this as well as on coming readers very helpful
