Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Responding to Customer Comments

We all hate rude comments, but we have to face them. When a customer leaves a rude comment on your Facebook, Twitter, Blog or other social media channels our first instinct is to delete it or not respond to it. Not responding to customers comments takes the personality out of your brand.

If someone leaves a nasty comment, getting to the bottom of is the comment is what is important. If the customer chooses to continue to leave one nasty comment after another. Respond one time in a respectful manner. After that let it go.

If your company does something wrong own it in a public way but be careful what you are  apologizing for. Be specific when apologizing. If not, it can be used against you.

So lesson of the day:
  1.  Respond to negative comments
  2.  Don't delete negative comments right a   way but remove it after a period of time.
  3.  Be professional.
  4.  Be specific.

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