Friday, September 6, 2013

What is Crowdfunding?

A fundraiser trend for building capital for small business is on a rise.  Lately, I've seen a few social media advertisement, commercials and emails regarding Crowdfunding. What is crowdfunding? Getting small donations of money from a large group of people. This is a case of your story not your credit score.

Websites such as Indiegigo, Crowdfunding Start up and  Kick Starter walks you through steps of setting up your profile. Majority of these sites have a group of non professionals investors who will invest in your business depending on your story. The key to success is attracting people's attention.

Tips for Successful Crowdfunding

1. Include a video in your pitch.
2.  Be active.
3. Have money set aside already.

If you have already raised money successfully through crowdfunding, please share your story. Give us some tips.

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